Three ideas for Spring Scrapbooking

As I begin taking photos of spring events with flowers blooming in the background, I find myself looking for products and looks that will help me embrace the season. I feel the need for things that hint at warming weather, flowers in bloom, and an overall happiness as the new year gets into full swing. Today I have three suggestions: a color combination, a pattern, and a growing trend - bees on supplies.

First up, I've seen a lot of aqua + coral or pinkish red tones together in the clothing departments lately. I think it will be a really fun combination for both spring and summer scrapbooking. (American Crafts swatches are shown below.)

Then there is a pattern that is not only versatile, but very spring friendly as well. It's been showing up in my girls' clothes as well as in favorite scrapbook brands. The Girls' Paperie (shown below in yellow), Jillibean Soup (shown below in pink), Little Yellow Bicycle's Clothesline collection, and Jenni Bowlin are a few companies that come to mind when I think of cute gingham patterned paper. Bazzill has some cute gingham ribbons, and the Homespun Chic line by Melody Ross is a great example of both spring colors and cute checkered patterns. I've been seeing checks and gingham everywhere - and I love it!

I am not finding bees replacing butterflies this season on my own pages, but the buzzy insects do seem to be a growing trend in products. In addition to papers from Nikki Sivils (one shown above), Pink Paislee has a Queen Bee collection, Martha Stewart has a bumble bee punch, and the Dear Lizzy line even has a bee paper.

I am enjoying the traditional spring colors right now, and I made a layout to share here with some favorites from the Jillibean Soup Egg Drop Soup collection that is perfect for spring crafting. This is one of my favorite spring themed lines this year. I added in some texture with a favorite CHA pick (Nikki Sivils buttons) and the canvas flowers from Jillibean as well. Adding in a few bits from another favorite spring line (Dear Lizzy) was the icing on this creative cake.

Supplies: Jillibean Soup papers, tag, flowers, and letter stickers; Nikki Sivils buttons; American Crafts (Dear Lizzy) dimensional stickers; Sakura pen.

With warming weather and flowers beginning to bloom, I find myself inspired to make pages that feel like spring to me, and projects that come together quickly are especially appealing.

Summer is just around the corner - and I will be back here sharing more seasonal ideas. What products and patterns are you reaching for? Please do feel free to share!

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